Saturday, November 26, 2011

new dress for......

next week is the big day for my uncle i managed to get myself a new dress today.

can't wait to try it out....i's a bit premature for a celebration, but i simply can't resist here goes! myseelf a new pair of shoes too....but okey, i'll save it for later.....bye!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

budak sekolah....

ada budak nak masuk sekolah dah.... year....sume dah bayar.....bonda mama tepi rumah.... steady maya, buli je yang lain...hehehe....

Saturday, November 19, 2011

kids day out....

Bola dah masuk xde ape nak buat, lagipun da janji ngan bebudak nak bawak gi taman, bila mayah bangun je, trus cakap...."papa jom pegi taman" bapak budak ngan budak2 je yang pegi....mama dia nak kemas rumah....

...x sampai 30 minit, tetiba adik cakap....." papa, perut adik cakap adik lapa...adik nak makan roti canai kat kedai..." peh! kuat giler lak tuh, kira satu taman ngan rumah sekitar tmn tu bole gakla dengar....

............maka berakhirlah sesi main kat taman pagi tadi.....

...."papa, lepas tu kita gi giant ngan alamanda".....adussss...%***&^%$#@

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

my C.V.......

I'm sooo into masterchef now...

By hook or by crook, i'm going down that road next year...for sure..

after all, i have all the accreditation required....dont believe me???? check this one out... the way, I'm going in as one of the may guess, i'm not qualified.....

don't worry, on top of that....I'll cook something up...haha....

Friday, November 4, 2011

word of wisdom.......

....there was a saying.......

" yesterday is history....
tomorrow is mystery....
today, is a gift....
..that's is why, it is called

...who said so???

.......Grand Master Oogway (the turtle) From Kungfu panda.......hahahahaaa!!!!!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

cakes up for grab...bored in the office

hari yang membosankan.....cuci2 mata ngan kek....

 cheese cake

chocolate cake

lapar la pulak...............huhu

Sedap ni...kalo berminat nak beli, bole kontek....confirm sedap.....

